Cross platform development for mobile application

1. Phonegap and Cordova

Hybrid app

The relation between these two: ; Basically, the phonegap is a distribution of Cordova.

The project (JIRA) page of Cordova:

Phone gap gives you more service:

Comprehensive documentation:

Phong gap build:

Phone gap command line build and run:

Test and debug phone gap apps

IDE(The AppLaud Eclipse plug-in):

Using Weinre and log:

Testing library: Qunit, Jasmine (

Debugging web app on Android:

Java script debugger:

How to use eclipse to debug by jshybugger :

PhoneGap plugin:

One of Phonegap feature, hydration:

There are many mobile web UI gadget framework works on Phone gap:

(i) jQuery Mobile

(ii) Sencha Touch

(iii) GwtMobile(Google Web Toolkit)

Tips for building phonegap apps:

Pros and cons of Phonegap:


Major change on 1.0:

The CSS and HTML are gone:–css

the JavaScript Runtime environment of a Titanium Mobile application:

3. Comparison

Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap:

A thread with detail discussion about both phonegap and titanium:

4. Self-Written

Creating Native UI using javascript and HTML:

Pros and Cons and a primer for hybrid apps: